Special issue:
- Fromage, Diane (ed.). ‘European financial integration and EU Member States: between national, European and global influence’, European Law Journal, proposal accepted
Journal article:
- Fromage, Diane (2022), ‘La protection des citoyens de l’Union face aux risques dans le domaine bancaire’ [The protection of Union citizens toward risks existing in the banking domain], Revue de l’Union européenne, 17-20
Book chapters:
- Diane Fromage (forthcoming) ‘Democratic accountability in the Banking Union: is there really a gap?’, Substantive Accountability in Europe’s New Economic Governance, Mark Dawson (Ed.), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
- Diane Fromage (forthcoming). ‘L’article 15 des Statuts de la BCE et du SEBC’ [Article 15 ESCB Statute], Commentaire article par article des dispositions pertinentes sur l’UEM [Commentary on EMU-relevant provisions], Sébastien Adalid and Francesco Martucci (Ed.), Bruylant.
- Diane Fromage (forthcoming) ‘Assessing and (Re-)situating Today’s ECB in the EU’s Institutional Landscape’, Thomas Beukers, Diane Fromage and Giorgio Monti (Ed.), The ‘New’ European Central Bank: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead, Oxford University Press.
- Thomas Beukers, Diane Fromage and Giorgio Monti (forthcoming) ‘Introduction: the ‘New’ European Central Bank’, Thomas Beukers, Diane Fromage and Giorgio Monti (Ed.), The ‘New’ European Central Bank: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead, Oxford University Press.
- Merijn Chamon, Diane Fromage (2022) ‘Between Added Value and Untapped Potential: The Boards of Appeal in the Field of EU Financial Regulation’. Merijn Chamon, Annalisa Volpato, and Mariolina Eliantonio (Ed.). Boards of Appeal of EU Agencies: Towards Judicialization of Administrative Review?, Oxford University Press, pp.8-33, 9780192849298.
Book reviews
- Diane Fromage (forthcoming, 2022) Book review: Die Rechtsperson der Europäischen Union im Wandel. Auswirkungen differenzierter Integration durch Völkerrecht auf die Europäische Union, Jonathan Bauerschmidt, Mohr Siebeck, 2019, 502 pp. Common Market Law Review.
- Diane Fromage. Book review: Judicial review in the European Banking Union. C. Zilioli and K.-P. Wojcik (ed.), E. Elgar, 2021. EU Law Live, 2021.
- Diane Fromage. The ECB’s guide on pecuniary penalties in banking supervision: Increased transparency on its (still) limited powers. Weekend Edition no. 60, EU Law Live, 2021.
- Diane Fromage. A first glimpse at the independence of competent authorities in the banking sector: The EBA report of 18 October 2021. Blog droit européen, 2021.
- Diane Fromage. Upgrading the EU’s Banking Rules: The European Commission’s Banking Package. Blog droit européen, 2022.
Newspaper article
- Diane Fromage. Differentiation within the Economic and Monetary Union 30 years on: where do we stand and where are we likely heading?, The Federalist, 2022.