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Book Chapters

  • Fromage, Diane and Aichstill, Vanessa (under contract) ‘Cooperation and Information Exchange with Countries outside the Banking Union: The use of Memoranda of Understanding’ in EU Banking Union: A Multi-Dimensional Approach. Diane Fromage, Jonathan Bauerschmidt, Raffaele D’Ambrosio, Daniela Jaros and Paul Weismann (Ed.), Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  • Fromage, Diane and Chiarini, Gaia (under contract) ‘No EDIS but revamped DGS: is it sufficient?’ in EU Banking Union: A Multi-Dimensional Approach. Diane Fromage, Jonathan Bauerschmidt, Raffaele D’Ambrosio, Daniela Jaros and Paul Weismann (Ed.), Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  • Fromage, Diane, Bauerschmidt, Jonathan, D’Ambrosio, Raffaele, Jaros, Daniela and Weismann, Paul (under contract) ‘Introduction’ in EU Banking Union: A Multi-Dimensional Approach. Diane Fromage, Jonathan Bauerschmidt, Raffaele D’Ambrosio, Daniela Jaros and Paul Weismann (Ed.), Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  • Fromage, Diane (forthcoming), ‘Accountability in EU law: are we focusing on the tree and losing sight of the forest?’, Handbook of Accountability Studies: Politics, Law, Business, Work, Papadopoulos, Ioannis, Atkins, Jill, Hall, Angela, Markakis, Menelaos (Ed.), Cheltenham, Edward Elgar.
  • Fromage, Diane, Héritier, Adrienne, Weismann, Paul (forthcoming), ‘Conclusion‘, EU Regulatory Responses to Crises: Adaptation or Transformation?, Fromage, Diane, Héritier, Adrienne, Weismann, Paul (Ed.), Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  • Fromage, Diane (forthcoming) ‘L’article 15 des Statuts de la BCE et du SEBC’ [Article 15 ESCB Statute], Commentaire article par article des dispositions pertinentes sur l’UEM [Commentary on EMU-relevant provisions], Sébastien Adalid and Francesco Martucci (Ed.), Bruxelles, Bruylant.
  • Fromage, Diane (2023) ‘Democratic Accountability in the Banking Union’ in Substantive Accountability in Europe’s New Economic Governance, Mark Dawson (Ed.), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.
  • Fromage, Diane (2023) ‘Bilan et futur de la conférence interparlementaire sur la stabilité, la coordination économique et la gouvernance, une décennie après sa création’ [Assessment and future of the Interparliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance, a decade after its creation] Rapport d’information n° 168 – Quel rôle pour les Parlements nationaux dans l’Union européenne? [Information Report No 168 – What role for national parliaments in the European Union?](S. 125 – 135)
  • Fromage, Diane and Martucci, Francesco (2023) ‘Le Conseil européen dans l’Union économique et monétaire’ [The European Council in Economic and Monetary Union] Institutional and material aspects, 215-263.
  • Fromage, Diane (2022) ‘Assessing and (Re-)situating Today’s ECB in the EU’s Institutional Landscape’, The ‘New’ European Central Bank: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead, Thomas Beukers, Diane Fromage and Giorgio Monti (Ed.), Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  • Beukers, Thomas, Fromage, Diane and Monti, Giorgio (2022) ‘Introduction: the ‘New’ European Central Bank’, The ‘New’ European Central Bank: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead, Thomas Beukers, Diane Fromage and Giorgio Monti (Ed.), Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  • Fasone, Cristina and Fromage, Diane (2022) ‘The European Commission and differentiated integration’, Routledge Handbook of Differentiation in the EU, Benjamin Leruth, Stefan Gänzle and Jarle Trondal (Ed.), Abingdon, Routledge.
  • Chamon, Marijn and Fromage, Diane (2022) ‘The Boards of Appeal in the field of EU financial regulation’, The Boards of Appeal of EU Agencies, Merijn Chamon, Mariolina Eliantonio and Annalisa Volpato (Ed.), Oxford, Oxford University Press, 8-33.
  • Fromage, Diane, González Pascual, Maribel, Solanes Mullor, Joan and Torres Pérez, Aida (2021) ‘Spain: The Impact of the EMU on the Spanish Constitution Following the Euro Crisis: A Stress Test for the Europeanisation of the Constitutional Order’ in EMU Integration and Member States’ Constitutions. Stefan Griller and Elisabeth Lentsch (Ed.), Oxford, Hart, 249-276.
  • Fromage, Diane (2021) ‘The implementation of EU Law in Member States and its impact on the relationship between parliaments and governments’ in Executive-legislative (im)balance in the European Union. Diane Fromage and Anna Herranz-Surrallés (Ed.), Oxford, Hart, 87-101.
  • Dias Pinheiro, Bruno and Fromage, Diane (2020) ‘Parliamentary oversight of the EU economic recovery plan – lessons learned and which way forward?’ in EU Law in times of pandemic. The EU’s legal response to COVID-19. Dolores Utrilla and Anjum Shabbir (Ed.), EU Law Live Press, 102-116.
  • Fromage, Diane (2020) ‘The Spitzenkandidaten procedure: a critical view’ in Les élections européennes 40 ans après – Bilans, enjeux et perspectives. Tony Marguery, Sébastien Platon and Hanneke van Eijken (Ed.), Bruxelles, Bruylant, 167-181.
  • Fromage, Diane (2020) ‘Il T-dem e la proposta di una Assemblea per l’Eurozona come punto di partenza per una reflessione sulla democrazia nella governance dell’Unione economica e monetaria’ [The T-dem and the proposal for a Eurozone Assembly as starting points for a reflection on democracy in the governance of the Economic and Monetary Union] in Parlamenti e democrazia in Europa tra integrazione differenziata e federalismi asimmetrici [Parliaments and democracy in Europe between differentiated integration and asymmetric federalism]. Cristina Fasone, Nicola Lupo and Antoine Vauchez (Ed.), Bologna, Il Mulino., 353-360.
  • Fromage, Diane and Platon, Sébastien (2020) ‘The French constitutional and legal order: its past and potential resilience to populist intervention’ in Populism and Democracy. Sascha Hardt, Aalt Willem Heringa and Thu Nguyen (Ed.), The Hague, Eleven publishing, 169-192.
  • Fromage, Diane (2019) ‘L’impact du Traité de Lisbonne sur le rôle des parlements nationaux dans l’Union Européenne : quel bilan huit ans plus tard?’ [The impact of the Lisbon Treaty on national parliaments within the European Union: What conclusions eight years later?] in Le renouveau parlementaire : entre discours et action [Parliamentary renewal : between discourse and action]. Henry Hernández Bayter and Mélanie Trédez-López (Ed.), Paris, L’Harmattan, 43-61
  • Fromage, Diane (2017) ‘Déficit excessif et Autorités budgétaires indépendantes: quelles relations et quelles conséquences pour les Etats membres et la Commission européenne’ [Excessive deficit and Independent Fiscal Institutions: what relations and which consequences for the Member States and the European Commission] in La démocratie dans l’Union européenne [Democracy within the EU]. Catherine Haguenau-Moizard and Christian Mestre (Ed.), Bruxelles, Bruylant, 189-212.
  • Fasone, Cristina and Fromage, Diane (2017) ‘Fiscal Councils: Threat or Opportunity for Democracy in the post-crisis Economic and Monetary Union?’ in The Democratic Principle and the Economic and Monetary Union. Luigi Daniele, Pierluigi Simone, Roberto Cisotta (Ed.), Heidelberg-Turin, Springer-Giappichelli, 161-178.
  • Fromage, Diane (2017) ‘Creation and Reform of Independent Fiscal Institutions in EU Member States:  incomplete and insufficient work in progress?’ in Constitutional Change Through Euro-Crisis Law. Thomas Beukers, Claire Kilpatrick and Bruno de Witte (Ed.), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 108-142.
  • Fasone, Cristina and Fromage, Diane (2016) ‘Are Parliaments (more) committed to the trend of Open government after the Lisbon Treaty? The Italian and the Spanish cases’ in Parliaments in the Open Government Era. Irène Bouhadana, William Gilles and Iris Nguyen Duy (Ed.), Paris, Les éditions IMODEV, 173-198.
  • Fromage, Diane (2015) ‘Parlamento Europeo y Parlamentos nacionales después del Tratado de Lisboa y en un contexto de crisis: ¿Un acercamiento de grado diverso según el ámbito?’ [European Parliament and National Parliaments after the Lisbon Treaty and in a context of crisis: Does the extent of their cooperation depend on the area?] in El Parlamento europeo: ¿esta vez es diferente? [The European Parliament: Is it different this time?] Paz Andrés and Juan Ignacio Ugartemendia (Ed.). Guipuzcoa, IVAP, 223-249.
  • Fromage, Diane (2014) ‘La apertura hacia el internacional de las Universidades mediante la oferta de asignaturas en lengua inglesa: Algunas reflexiones desde España’ [Openness to internationalization through course offerings in English: some thoughts from Spain] in Reflexiones sobre la enseñanza del derecho y del derecho internacional. [Considerations on the teaching of law and international law]. Guillermo Estrada and Carlos Reyes (Ed.). Mexico City, Ed. PORRUA UNAM – Fac. de Derecho, 221-228.