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Collaboration with non-academic Institutions

  • Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2022 – Ongoing)
    Member of the Advisory Board on European Law,
    Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Austrian Financial Market Authority (2022 -Ongoing)
    Regular collaboration incl. cooperation in the organisation of the yearly summer school on EMU; Invitation to speak at the 2023 Supervisory conference
  • Italian Central Bank (2020 – Ongoing)
    Regular collaboration incl. Common project on resolution authorities; Involvement of officials in the organisation of the yearly summer school on EMU; Intervention by Central bank officials during regular EMU workshops and panels organized at the ICON·S yearly conference; Invitation to give seminars internal to the Legal department of the Italian central bank
  • European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) (2020 – Ongoing)
    Contribution to EIPA’s training activities to EU and national institutions as an External expert    
  • Council of the EU (2024)
    Speaker at the 2024 Council Legal Service Annual Seminar
  • Austrian Central Bank (2024)
    Presentation in the framework of the Bank’s research seminar
  • Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2024)
    Presentation to the Advisory Board on European Law
  • Greek Central Bank (2024)
    Presentation during the Conference ‘Banking Resolution at Ten: Experiences and Open Issues’
  • Dutch Tweede Kamer (Second Chamber) (2023)
    Member of the Study group on The ECB’s monetary policy
  • European Central Bank (2023)
    Speaker at the 2023 ECB Legal Conference
  • European Liberal Forum (2020 – 2022)
    Regular participation (as an academic, non-political, expert) in events on the Banking Union, Democracy and Differentiated Integration within the EU
  • Academy of European Law (ERA) (2022)
    Speaker at the 2022 Summer Course on EU Financial Regulation and Supervision
  • European Parliament (2022)
    Study for the JURI Committee 
    ‘Controlling Subsidiarity in Today’s EU: the Role of the European Parliament and the National Parliaments’
  • French Senate (2022)
    Hearing in the framework of an inquiry on ‘The judicialisation of political life’
  • French Senate (2022)
    Speaker at a Conference on ‘The role of national parliaments in the EU’
  • Conference on the Future of Europe (2021)
    Academic expert – Citizens’ panel meeting, Florence, Italy
  • German Bundesrat (2021)
    Contribution to the reflections on how to improvement the link between academia and the Platform for Interparliamentary Exchanges (IPEX)
  • European Central Bank (2021)
    Speaker at the 2021 ECB Legal Conference
  • Konrad Adenauer Foundation & Foundation for Science (Poland) (2021)
    Speaker during the Conference on ‘The indispensability of parliamentarism. Parliaments before and during the pandemic’
  • Dutch Tweede Kamer (Second Chamber) (2021)
    Seminar on ‘Changing Parliaments in a Changing European Union: Lisbon Treaty, Financial Crisis, Brexit, Pandemic as catalysts for change?’
  • French Senate (2021)
    Hearing in the framework of the preparation of a Report on Transnational lists and the Spitzenkandidaten procedure
  • European Central Bank (2021)
    Engaged listener during the ECB Strategy Review Legal Roundtable
  • Academy of European Law (ERA) (2020)
    Speaker at the 2020 Summer Course on EU Financial Regulation and Supervision
  • European Central Bank (2020)
    Guest author of a case note in a newsletter internal to the ECB’s Legal service
  • European Parliament (2020)
    Study for the AFCO Committee
    ‘The European Parliament’s right of inquiry in context. A comparison of the national and the European legal frameworks’
  • Argentinian Chamber of Deputies (2018)
    Seminar on ‘Interparliamentary cooperation in the EU’
  • CALRE (2017)
    Hearing before the Subsidiarity Working Group of the
    Conference of the Regional assemblies with legislative powers (CALRE)
  • European Parliament (2017)
    Briefing for the AFCO Committee
    ‘Subsidiarity as a means to enhance cooperation between EU Institutions and National Parliaments’
  • CALRE Presidency (2014 – 2015)
    Collaboration as an academic expert with the Presidency of the Parliament of Lombardy in the framework of its presidency of the Conference of the Regional assemblies with legislative powers (CALRE)