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Recent Presentations

  • Richtungsentscheidungen: Ausblick auf die EU-Wahlen 2024 [Fundamental decisions: outlook for the 2024 EU elections] (05.2024)
    Panel discussion with: Othmar Karas (Vice-President of the European Parliament)
    Salzburg Centre of European Union Studies (SCEUS), Salzburg, Austria
  • Presentation at the European Law Advisory Council of the Austrian Foreign Ministry (05.2024)
    Vienna, Austria
  • Banking Union 10 years on: where do we stand (05.2024)
    Seminar as part of the Austrian Central Bank (OeNB) research seminar,
    Vienna, Austria
  • The organizational architecture of bank crisis management in the BU: a study in complexity (05.2024)
    Conference: ‘Banking Resolution at Ten: Experiences and Open Issues’,
    Bank of Greece, Athens, Greece
  • Book presentation: The Individual in the Economic and Monetary Union: A Study of Legal Accountability (04.2024)
    Scuola Universitaria Superiore Sant’ Anna, Pisa, Italy
  • Presentation of the Study & Hearing: Economische en juridische aspecten van de ECB opkoopprogramma’s: Een vervolg [Economic and legal aspects of the ECB’s asset purchase programs: A follow-up] (02.2024)
    Together with: Fabian Amtenbrink, Lex Hoogduin, Ivo Arnold, Harald Benink
    Dutch Tweede Kamer
  • Workshop ‘Constitutional issues of the ECB’s monetary policy’ (11.2023)
    Discussant on the Panel ‘Parameters for measuring the ECB’s scope for decision-making’
    Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
  • Presentation: ECB Monetary policy today (11.2023)
    Together with: Fabian Amtenbrink
    ‘Workshop on recent and current reforms in EMU’,
    Salzburg Centre of European Union Studies (SCEUS), Austria
  • Roundtable on the Digital Euro (11.2023)
    Together with: Dirk Niepelt, Christian Pfister and Klaus Tuori
    ‘Workshop on recent and current reforms in EMU’,
    Salzburg Centre of European Union Studies (SCEUS), Austria 
  • Presentation: Filling the Gaps: Central Banks, Competent Authorities and Legislative Frameworks (09.2023)
    ECB Legal Conference 2023
  • Le Conseil européen et l’Union économique et monétaire [The European Council and the Economic and Monetary Union] (11.2022)
    Together with: Francesco Martucci
    Conference ‘Le Conseil européen, aspects institutionnels et matériels, le politique des politiques de l’Union’ [The European Council, institutional and substantive aspects of the politics of the EU’s policies],
    University of Toulouse, France
  • Invited Lecture: From workers to citizens: The evolution of the concept of “persons” within the EU and the progressive recognition of (non-economic) rights” (11.2022)
    Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain
  • Conference: The Accountability of the European Central Bank: New Frontiers, New Challenges (11.2022)
    Co-organizor, Chair and Discussant (Panel: ‘The ECB in macroprudential supervision’)
    Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
  • Book Lauch: The new European Central Bank: Taking stock and looking ahead (11.2022)
    Florence School of Banking and Finance, Italy
  • Seminar: EU soft law, recent evolutions in national and European Case Law following the example of the French Conseil d’Etat (10.2022)
    Bank of Italy, Rome, Italy
  • Invited Lecture: The impact of the creation of the Banking Union on Member States’ institutional frameworks (10.2022)
    LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome, Italy
  • Presentation: Is there a democratic gap in the Banking Union? (07.2022)
    At: ICON•S Annual Conference 2022 ‘Global Problems and Prospects in Public Law’, Wroclaw, Poland
  • Guest lecture: Die europäische Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion in (post-) COVID Zeiten [The EU’s Economic and Monetary Union in (post-)COVID times] (06.2022)
    ‘Europarechtliche Werkstattgespräche’,
    Vienna University, Austria
  • Guest lecture: ESFS in practice and current reforms (06.2022)
    ‘Summer Course on EU Financial Regulation and Supervision’,
    Academy of European Law (ERA), Trier, Germany
  • Guest lecture: Supervising financial activity: European System of Financial Supervision (ESFS) and the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) (06.2022)
    ‘Summer Course on EU Financial Regulation and Supervision’,
    Academy of European Law (ERA), Trier, Germany
  • Presentation: Democratic Accountability in the EU’s Banking Union: What Balance After Ten Years (06.2022)
    16th Max Weber Fellows June Conference ‘Perspectives on Global Crises: Challenges and Opportunities’,
    European University Institute, Florence, Italy
  • Presentation: From currency union to a federal union? Federalism and the euro (06.2022)
    Young European Federalists Academy 
  • Presentation: The essential, and competitive, role of specialised courts and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms in financial law as a precondition for the attainment of social desirable levels of public and private enforcement (05.2022)
    University of Bologna, Italy
  • Guest lecture: The impact of the creation of the Banking Union on Member States’ institutional frameworks (05.2022)
    University of Bologna, Italy
  • Presentation: The SSM and SRM: how supranational are these mechanisms really? (05.2022)
    Workshop ‘The Politics, Law and Political Economy of European Banking Union: The First Decade of Operation’,
    University of Luxembourg, Luxemburg
  • Presentation: Controlling Subsidiarity in Today’s EU: the Role of the European Parliament and the National Parliaments (04.2022)
    Interparliamentary Committee Meeting (ICM) with National Parliaments on “The EU’s Subsidiarity mechanism”, organized by the European Parliament’s Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI)
  • Presentation: ¿Hacia dónde va la Unión Europea? El experimento de la Conferencia sobre el Futuro de Europa [Where is the European Union heading towards? The experiment of the Conference on the Future of Europe] (04.2022)
    Pomeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain