- Fromage, Diane, Héritier, Adrienne, Weismann, Paul (forthcoming), EU Regulatory Responses to Crises: Adaptation or Transformation?, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
- D’Ambrosio, Raffaele and Fromage, Diane (2024), Member States’ institutional arrangements for banking resolution compared, Quaderno di ricerca giuridica, Banca d’Italia.
- Fromage, Diane (2024) ‘EU financial integration since the Great Financial Crisis: Consequences for EU and national institutions‘, Quaderno di ricerca giuridica, Banca d’Italia.
- Fromage, Diane (2024) ‘(Re-)defining Membership: Differentiation in and outside the European Union‘, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
- Fromage, Diane and Markakis, Menelaos (2023), The Accountability of the European Central Bank: New Frontiers, New Challenges, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law.
- Fromage, Diane, Herzig, Günter, Weismann, Paul (2023), ‘The way forward in the EMU: inflation, public debt and reforms for the next generation’ (I, II, III), EU Law Live, Weekend edition (3 issues).
- Beukers, Thomas, Fromage, Diane and Monti, Giorgio (2022) The ‘New’ European Central Bank: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead , Oxford, Oxford University Press.
- Fromage, Diane and Herranz-Surrallés, Anna (2021) Executive-legislative (im)balance in the European Union, Oxford, Hart.
- Fromage, Diane (2020) Special issue. ‘The future of EMU architecture post-COVID‘, Legal issues of European integration.
- Dias Pinheiro, Bruno and Fromage, Diane (2020) Special issue: ‘National and European parliamentary involvement in the EU’s economic response to the COVID crisis‘, EU Law Live Weekend Edition no 36.
- Fromage, Diane and de Witte, Bruno (2019) ‘Recent Evolutions in the Economic and Monetary Union and the European Banking Union: A Reflection’, Maastricht Law Law Faculty working papers series.
- Fromage, Diane, Dermine, Paul, Nicolaides, Phedon and Tuori, Klaus (2019) Special issue : “The ECB’s accountability in a multilevel European order”, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law.
- Christiansen, Thomas and Fromage, Diane (2019) Brexit and Democracy – The Role of Parliaments and Citizens, Palgrave.
- Co-editor of the CERiM Online paper series (together with T. Christiansen) [2017-2018]
- Fromage, Diane and Raube, Kolja (2018) Special issue ‘Les parlements des Etats membres face au(x) défi(s) européen(s)’ [Member State Parliaments and the European challenge(s)], Politique Européenne.
- Fromage, Diane and van den Brink, Ton (2018) Special issue ‘National Parliaments, the European Parliament and the Democratic Legitimation of the European Union Economic Governance’, Journal of European Integration; Re-published as an edited volume Parliaments in EU Economic Governance Powers, Potential and Practice (2019, Routledge).
- Fasone, Cristina, Fromage, Diane and Lefkofridi, Zoe (2015) Working papers collection ‘Parliaments, public opinion and parliamentary elections in Europe’, MWP-EUI Working Papers 2015/18.