- Fromage, Diane (2024), ‘France’, Member States’ institutional arrangements for banking resolution compared, Diane Fromage and Raffaele d’Ambrosio (ed), Quaderno di ricerca giuridica della Banca d’Italia.
- D’Ambrosio, Raffaele and Fromage, Diane (2024), ‘Introduction’, Member States’ institutional arrangements for banking resolution compared, Diane Fromage and Raffaele d’Ambrosio (ed), Quaderno di ricerca giuridica della Banca d’Italia.
- Fromage, Diane (2024), ‘Introduction. The impact of EU financial integration on European and national institutional structures’, EU financial integration since the Great Financial Crisis: Consequences for EU and national institutions, Diane Fromage (ed), Quaderno di ricerca giuridica della Banca d’Italia.
- Fromage, Diane (2024), ‘Financial supervision in larger Member States: France, Germany and Italy between domestic and European influence’, EU financial integration since the Great Financial Crisis: Consequences for EU and national institutions, Diane Fromage (ed), Quaderno di ricerca giuridica della Banca d’Italia.
- Fromage, Diane (2024) ‘Novo Banco: yet another Illustration of the Need for a strong(er) Banking Union (Op Ed)’, EU Law Live
- Fromage Diane (2024) ‘Bankenunion: Zum Rechtsschutz gegen die Festlegung eines Abwicklungskonzepts nach SRM-VO’, Wirtschaftsrechtliche Blätter, S. 471-477
- Fromage, Diane and Markakis, Menelaos (2023) ‘The accountability of the European Central Bank: New frontiers, new challenges‘, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law
- Fromage, Diane, Kinski, Lucy, Blauberger, Michael (2023) ‘Responsible judges or judging responsibilities? EU Court of Justice, Federal Constitutional Court and EU economic governance‘, Journal of European Public Policy
- Bauerschmidt Jonathan and Fromage, Diane (2023) ‘EU Agencies and Financial Regulation: the proliferation of a new mode of governance (Op Ed)‘ EU Law Live
- Fromage, Diane and Weismann, Paul (2023) ‘Die Übersetzungspraxis von Verfassungsgerichten und ihr Beitrag zur deutschsprachigen Europarechtswissenschaft‘ [The translation practice of constitutional courts and their contribution to German-language European legal scholarship] European Paters, 81-84.
- Fromage, Diane (2022) ‘The accountability of the European Central Bank: New frontiers, new challenges’ Nomos Basileus Newsletter of the Legal Department, Banca d’Italia.
- Fromage, Diane and Borońska-Hryniewiecka, Karolina (2022) ‘Introduction: democratic accountability in the EU economic governance post-crises: its many faces and potential outstanding gaps’ The Journal of Legislative Studies, 299-312.
- Fromage, Diane and Martucci, Francesco (2022), ‘Decision of the Conseil d’Etat no 449898 of 22 July 2022: Re-defining (and further complexifying?) the value of EU soft law’, ΝΟΜΟΣ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ La Newsletter del servizio consulenza legale.
- Fromage, Diane and Markaki, Menelaos (2022) ‘The European Parliament in the Economic and Monetary Union after COVID: towards a slow empowerment?’ The Journal of Legislative Studies, 385-401.
- Fromage, Diane (2022), ‘How to ensure that national parliaments (truly) ‘contribute actively to the good functioning of (tomorrow’s) EU’?, European Law Journal, 1-12.
- Fromage, Diane (2022), ‘La protection des citoyens de l’Union face aux risques dans le domaine bancaire’ [The protection of Union citizens toward risks existing in the banking domain], Revue de l’Union européenne, 17-20.
- Fromage, Diane (2022), ‘The democratic accountability of EMU decisions: Between informality and fragmentation’, European Papers.
- Fromage, Diane and de Witte, Bruno (2021), ‘Introduction – National constitutional identity ten years on: what balance and future perspectives’, Special issue ‘National constitutional identity 10 years on’, Diane Fromage and Bruno de Witte (Ed.), European Public Law.
- Fromage, Diane (2021), ‘National constitutional identity and its regional dimension post-Lisbon as part of a general trend towards multilevel governance within the EU’, Special issue ‘National constitutional identity 10 years on’, Diane Fromage and Bruno de Witte (Ed.), European Public Law.
- Fromage, Diane, Eliantonio, Mariolina and Wright, Kathryn (2021) ‘Soft law and multilevel cooperation as sources of (new) constitutional challenges in EU economic and monetary integration: introduction to the special issue‘, Journal of Banking Regulation, advanced access.
- Fromage, Diane (2021) ‘The (multilevel) articulation of the European participation in international financial fora: the example of the Basel Accords‘, Journal of Banking Regulation, advanced access.
- Fromage, Diane (2021) ‘The ECB’s Guide on Pecuniary Penalties in Banking Supervision: Increased transparency on its (still) limited powers‘, EU Law Live, 1-9.
- Fromage, Diane (2020) ‘Towards Increasing Unity and Continuing Executive Predominance Within the E(M)U Post-COVID?‘, Legal issues of economic integration, 385-408.
- Fromage, Diane (2020) ‘The Future of EMU Architecture Post-COVID’, Legal Issues of Economic Integration, 295-310.
- Dias Pinheiro, Bruno and Fromage, Diane (2020) ‘Introduction‘, EU Law Live, 2-4.
- Dias Pinheiro, Bruno and Fromage, Diane (2020) ‘National parliaments and their (limited) role in the EU in a crisis: the example of SURE‘, EU Law Live, 5-11.
- Fromage, Diane (2020) ‘Weiss: The Bundesverfassungsgericht’s over-expansive interpretation of the Bundestag’s ‘responsibility for integration’ and the need to adapt judicial review procedures to the E(S)CB’s specificities‘, EU Law Live, 1-15.
- Fromage, Diane (2019) ‘Le rôle de l’Union Européenne face aux revendications indépendantistes’ [The European Union’s role towards independentist movements], Special issue ‘L’Union européenne face aux nationalismes et populismes’ [The European Union confronted to nationalisms and populisms]. Loïc Azoulai and Dominique Ritleng (Ed.), Revue Trimestrielle de droit européen, 9-23.
- Fromage, Diane (2019) ‘The 2019 European Parliament elections: Looking back and ahead’, Perspectives on Federalism, 94-101.
- Fromage, Diane, Dermine, Paul, Nicolaides, Phedon and Tuori, Klaus (2019) ‘ECB independence and accountability today: towards a (necessary) redefinition?’, Special issue ‘The ECB’s accountability in a multilevel European order’, Fromage, Diane, Dermine, Paul, Nicolaides, Phedon and Tuori, Klaus (Ed.), Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 3-16.
- Fromage, Diane (2019) ‘Guaranteeing the ECB’s democratic accountability in the post-Banking Union era: An ever more difficult task ?’, Special issue ‘The ECB’s accountability in a multilevel European order’, Fromage, Diane, Dermine, Paul, Nicolaides, Phedon and Tuori, Klaus (Ed.), Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 48-62.
- Fromage, Diane (2019) ‘La flexibilité au sein de l’Union: Bilan et perspectives futures’ [Flexibility within the EU: Balance and future perspective ], Revue de l’Union européenne, 225-231.
- Fromage, Diane (2018), ‘A comparison of existing forums for interparliamentarycooperation in the EU and some lessons for the future’, Special issue ‘Joint scrutiny of EU polices: the contribution of interparliamentarycooperation’, Griglio, Elena and Stavridis, Stelios (Ed.), Perspectives on Federalism, 1-27.
- Fromage, Diane and Raube, Kolja (2018) ‘Les parlements des Etats membres dans une Union Européenne en constante mutation’ [Member States parliaments in a constantly mutating European Union], Special issue ‘Les parlements des Etats membres face au(x) défi(s) européen(s)’ [Member State Parliaments and the European challenge(s)], Fromage, Diane and Raube, Kolja (Ed.), Politique Européenne, 9-22.
- Fromage, Diane (2018) ‘Les parlements nationaux: des acteurs européens en devenir?’ [National parliaments : European actors to be ?], Special issue ‘Les parlements des Etats membres face au(x) défi(s) européen(s)’ [Member State Parliaments and the European challenge(s)], Fromage, Diane and Raube, Kolja (Ed.), Politique Européenne, 122-145.
- Fromage, Diane (2018) ‘The European Parliament in the post-crisis era: an institution empowered on paper only?’, Special issue ‘National parliaments, the European Parliament and the democratic legitimation of the European Union economic governance’, Fromage, Diane and van den Brink, Ton (Ed.), Journal of European Integration, 281-294.
- Fromage, Diane and Ibrido, Renato (2018) ‘The “Banking Dialogue” as a model to improve parliamentary involvement in the Monetary Dialogue?’, Special issue ‘National parliaments, the European Parliament and the democratic legitimation of the European Union economic governance’, Fromage, Diane and van den Brink, Ton (Ed.), Journal of European Integration, 295-308.
- Fromage, Diane and van den Brink, Ton (2018) ‘Democratic legitimation of EU economic governance: Challenges and Opportunities for European Legislatures’, Special issue ‘National parliaments, the European Parliament and the democratic legitimation of the European Union economic governance’, Fromage, Diane and van den Brink, Ton (Ed.), Journal of European Integration, 235-248.
- Fromage, Diane and Kreilinger, Valentin (2017) ‘National Parliaments’ Third Yellow Card and the Struggle over the Revision of the Posted Workers Directive’, European Journal of Legal Studies, 125-160.
- Fasone, Cristina and Fromage, Diane (2017) ‘The French and the Italian Parliaments in EU Affairs Post-Lisbon: True Empowerment or Cosmetic Change?’, Journal of Contemporary European Research, 1244-1259.
- Fromage, Diane (2017) ‘La transposition de directives européennes et ses conséquence sur l’équilibre des pouvoirs exécutif et législatif nationaux. Regards croisés sur l’Allemagne, l’Espagne et l’Italie’ [Transposition of European directives and its consequence on the balance between National legislative and executive powers. Comparative perspectives on Germany, Italy and Spain], Special issue ‘L’état de la transposition des directives en France sur les politiques de l’UE’ [State of play of the transposition of EU policy directives in France], Anne Meyer-Heine (Ed.), Revue de l’Union Européenne, 551-560.
- Fromage, Diane (2017) ‘Le Traité de Rome: source d’inspiration pour remédier au déficit démocratique européen?’ [The Lisbon Treaty: a source of inspiration to improve the European democratic deficit?]. Special issue on the 60th anniversary of the Rome Treaty. Percorsi costituzionali, 389-403.
- Fromage, Diane (2016) ‘National parliaments fighting back? Institutional engineering as a successful means to become active actors in EU affairs’, Perspectives on Federalism, 69-86.
- Fromage, Diane (2016) ‘Increasing Interparliamentary cooperation in the EU: Current Trends and Challenges’, European Public Law, 749-772.
- Fromage, Diane (2016) ‘De totales ausentes a objetos de una Carta vinculante: la protección de los Derechos en la Unión Europea de los inicios de la integración hasta hoy’ [From complete absents to the object of a binding Charter: Human Rights protection in the European Union from the beginning of the integration until today], Revista Pensares y Quehaceres.
- Fasone, Cristina and Fromage, Diane (2016) ‘From veto players to agenda-setters? National parliaments and their “green card” to the European Commission’, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 294-316.
- Fromage, Diane (2015) ‘Le rôle des Parlements nationaux en vertu du Traité de Lisbonne: l’exemple du contrôle du respect du principe de subsidiarité en Espagne’ [The role of National parliaments according to the Lisbon Treaty: The example of the control of the respect of subsidiarity in Spain], Revue des affaires européennes. 483-495.
- Fromage, Diane (2015) ‘National parliaments in the Juncker Commission era: the ‘green card’ initiative and beyond’, Quaderni costituzionali, 1024-1026.
- Fromage, Diane (2015) ‘The Second Yellow Card on the EPPO Proposal: An Encouraging Development for Member State Parliaments?’, Oxford Yearbook of European Law, 1-24.
- Fromage, Diane (2015) ‘The changes provoked by the European integration process – especially in times of crisis – on the relationships between Parliament and Government in France, Germany and Spain’, Revista del postgrado en derecho de la UNAM.
- Fromage, Diane (2015) ‘Le Haut Conseil des Finances Publiques: Quelles conséquences deux ans après sa création ?’ [The High Council of Public Finances: what consequences two years after its creation?], Revue du droit public, 1107-1126.
- Fromage, Diane (2014) ‘National parliaments and governmental accountability in the crisis: theory and practice’, Special issue ‘The Never-Ending Reform of the EU: Another Chain in the Semi Permanent Treaty Revision Process?’, Giuseppe Martinico (Ed.), Perspectives on Federalism, 149-171.
- Fromage, Diane (2012) ‘La evolución de la protección de los Derechos en la Unión Europea. El ejemplo de la protección de las minorías’ [Evolution of the Human Rights protection in the European Union. The example of minority rights protection], Revista de la Facultad de Derecho de México, 11-26.